Beyond the Black Rainbow

Beyond the Black Rainbow

2010 · 1 hr 50 min · R

Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi


Panos Cosmatos


  • Eva Bourne
  • Michael J Rogers
  • Scott Hylands

Credits: 2


Despite being under heavy sedation, a young woman tries to make her way out of the Arboria Institute, a secluded, quasifuturistic commune.

More about this movie

Spanning over two decades of research and innovation from the 1960s to the early-1980s, the Arboria Institute--a secluded New Age commune and a state-of-the-art research facility--and the pill-popping psychiatrist, Dr Barry Nyle, are particularly interested in their newest specimen: the female patient, Elena. To begin to understand her mind-boggling telekinetic and telepathic abilities, the demented doctor keeps Elena heavily sedated and in a constant catatonic state; however, her capabilities are unfathomable. What are Dr Nyle's deeper intentions? In the end, could the institute's utopian doctrine be flawed after all?