

2002 · 1 hr 24 min · R

Crime, Drama


Chris Eyre


  • Eric Schweig
  • Graham Greene
  • Gary Farmer

Credits: 3


An inspirational tale about the relationship between two Sioux brothers living on the Pine Ridge reservation.

More about this movie

Rudy Yellow Lodge is an investigator with the police department and witnesses firsthand the painful legacy of Indian existence. Although rampant unemployment, alcoholism and domestic violence are the norm for many reservation inhabitants, Rudy has largely escaped this cycle of despair. His brother Mogie, however, has not. Now faced with the discovery of a bloodied body, a flaming liquor store just off native land that sells millions of cans of beer a year to the native population, and his brother's ongoing self-destruction, Rudy goes on a quest to avenge himself, his family, and his culture and to seek justice.